Red flags in relationships

This list was excerpted from a “Dear Abby” column. We have found it to contain useful indicators that someone may not be “good relationship material”.

  1. If your parents or siblings have doubts about him/her, pay attention. Listen and check it out.

  2. If your intended has nothing good to say about his/her ex, beware. This is a pattern; divorce or break ups are rarely one person’s fault.

  3. If his/her children have nothing to do with him/her; do not believe it if the reason is that his/her ex brainwashed the children.

  4. Look closely at his/her credit and job history. They are certain predictors of what your life will be like.

  5. If s/he is over 30 and has no money, do not let him/her move in with you, and don’t marry until s/he is financially solvent. Otherwise, this will be one of the problems in your marriage.

  6. Be sure in your heart that you can live with him/her AS IS. You cannot change another person.

  7. Beware if s/he has no friends. This is a bad sign. It is not true that they all chose to side with the ex.

  8. If your friends dislike him/her, pay attention. This is also true if s/he hates your friends.

  9. If s/he has one personality at work or with others, and another alone with you, run.

  10. If s/he has nothing to do with her/his parents, investigate why. Don’t take his/her word for it.

  11. If s/he’s an expert at everything and brags a lot, understand that s/he will turn off a lot of people, eventually even you.

  12. If s/he has sexual problems, go with her/him to a doctor before you marry. These problems will become your problem.

  13. If s/he is emotionally abusive, it will only get worse. Yelling, name-calling and glowering are classic signs of an abuser.

  14. If s/he is never wrong and never apologizes, everything will be “your fault” forever. After years of hearing it, you may even start to accept the blame.

  15. If s/he does something wrong and says, “That would not have happened if you hadn’t ….”, that’s another sign of an abuser.

  16. If s/he’s mean to children, animals or pets, recognize that s/he’s pathological and the next victim could be you.


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